Purchase Calculator
How to use the purchase calculator
The total monthly cost is calculated and displayed on the top of the purchase calculatorThe Total Monthly Cost is the sum of all monthly fee...
How is the Mortgage Default Insurance estimated? (inapp)
The total mortgage is automatically calculated for you, taking into account the purchase price (Home price) and subtracting your down paymen...
What is the Mortgage Default Insurance (aka CMHC)?
Lenders typically require mortgage insurance when homebuyers make a down payment of less than 20% of the purchase price. Three companies in ...
What is the Minimum Down Payment?
As of February 15th, 2016, homes up to $500,000 require a 5% minimum down payment. For homes between $500,000 and $1,000,000, the minim...
What is included in the monthly utilities & fees?
This includes all additional monthly costs associated with your home such as:Condo fees also referred to as maintenance fees which are manda...
How to add extra payments / prepayment
This option is available in payment frequency tab. Located in the purchase calculator > select whether payment is monthly , biweekly . Cl...
Payment Frequency Options (inapp)
Depending on the mortgage product, you may have the option to choose how frequent you can make mortgage payments. What are the options and w...
How to create a new scenario?
If you like to start a new scenario, simple click on the scenario grid button located in the top naviations. Once you open it, you can see a...
How to create a report
Tap the report icon on the top navigation bar if you like to share a report.
Is the Down Payment Educator helpful? (inapp)
We like to know if you found this feature helpful or how we can improve it.Please use the "Yes" and "No" thumbs below, and please use the ch...
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