Adding web calculators to your Squarespace website is super easy. Our clients have done it hundreds of times.

Here are the steps:

  1. Create a new page by clicking the + icon next to the main navigation.
  2. Click "blank page" to start with a blank page, or click one of the other options to choose from different layout options. 
  3. Enter a page title in the text field and press Enter. You can name the page whatever you like just note this will be the title showing up in your menu section. 
  4. Click "Edit" and add a blank section
  5.  Add a block and choose to add an  “Embed” section.
  6.  Edit the new Section by clicking the pencil icon
  7. In the popup, under the Code Snippet tab. Click on “Embed data. “
  8. Paste your embed code there and save
  9. Lastly, please drag the section to give it ample horizontal space. 

Now here is the kicker.

The tools will not display in edit/preview mode, at least not out-of-the-box.

This happens because Squarespace loads your preview using another domain, not the one you registered. You will see an error in the edit/preview mode.

But your actual page will certainly work. See for yourself.
If you like your preview to work as well, follow these instructions.